How to Clean Carpet When Moving Into a Brand New Home

How to Clean Carpet When Moving Into a Brand New Home in Petaling Jaya

So, you’ve recently settled into your new dwelling in Petaling Jaya and are curious about carpet maintenance. Having no prior experience with carpets may leave you wondering about the upkeep. Fortunately, it turns out that maintaining your carpets is quite straightforward! Below, you’ll find advice from our Petaling Jaya area carpet cleaning experts on the most effective ways to clean your carpets as you begin life in your new residence:

Steps to Clean a Carpet

steps to clean carpet

Cleaning a carpet can be a hard task, especially when you just moved into a brand new home. Here are some steps that can help you clean a carpet when moving in:

Determine the Kind of Carpet You Have

Before you can start cleaning your carpet, you need to first know what kind of carpet you have. Not all carpets are made equal, so it’s essential to know which type you’re dealing with before starting the clean.

Failing to pick out the right kind of carpet can lead to extra work or even damage your flooring. To know what kind of carpet you have, you may ask your local experts or do research online.

Pick the Right Cleaning Solution

Once you’re able to determine what kind of carpet you have, the next step is to pick out the right cleaning solution. You can’t simply use any cleaning solution, as you’ll need to use a specific one for your carpet.

If you’ve got fur carpets, then you should use a cleaning solution that is specially made for them. If you need a more specific solution, then you should check with your carpet cleaner to see what they recommend.

Related:  Guide To Carpet Cleaning Without Moving Furniture

Vacuum Your Carpet

When all your cleaning tools and solutions are ready, it’s time to start cleaning. To get the best results from your cleaning efforts, it’s recommended that you vacuum before using any kind of solution or tool to clean your carpet.

In addition to removing surface dirt and stains, vacuuming also helps in getting rid of dust and other particles, which can damage carpets over time if not removed right away! So make sure you don’t skip this step when learning how to clean a carpet when moving into a new home.

Clean Carpet With a Steam Cleaner

A steam cleaner is the best tool to use when cleaning your carpet because it can deep clean without any harsh chemicals. It’s also easy for anyone to use and requires little effort on the user’s part!

So, after you’ve vacuumed your carpets, you should then go ahead and steam them using a steamer that is specifically made to clean carpets. Working in small sections at a time, simply put the solution onto the floor before using the steamer to get rid of dirt and stains from your carpeting!

Once you’re finished with one section, move over to another area until all areas are done. Once everything has been cleaned thoroughly, allow enough time for your entire Petaling Jaya house or room to air dry before walking on newly cleaned carpets again!

Doing this will help ensure that your carpets are dried properly, which will prevent any chance of damage to the flooring.

How Often Should You Clean Your Carpet?

often cleaning carpet

As we all know, carpets can easily accumulate dirt and various stains over time. If you want to ensure that your carpets remain looking their best, then it’s important to take the right steps when cleaning them.

Related:  How Getting Your Carpets Cleaned Benefits Your Health

Experts recommend that homeowners should clean their own carpets at least twice a year, if not more! Every person has different needs, so this might be too much for someone who lives alone or doesn’t have pets in the  Petaling Jaya house.

However, those with kids or dogs would definitely need to vacuum and steam-clean on a regular basis as they’re exposed to more dirt than others living in the same house!


So there you have it! How to clean a carpet when moving into a brand new home without having problems with dirty or stained floors.

Just follow these steps and tips for best results on how to clean a carpet when moving in during this time. If you need help with carpet cleaning or have questions about the topic, don’t hesitate to reach out!

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