The morning is lovely, and you’re preparing coffee for everyone at work. As you’re about to fill your preferred cup with coffee, you discover that using that mug is out of the question. It reeks of stale, scorched coffee! What caused this?
Well, sometimes, when we make our coffee at home or work, we forget about the spillover onto the carafe or pot. This can lead to stains on our carpet that will not come out with regular vacuuming. Luckily, there is an easy solution for removing these types of stains from carpets! Check out the info below to know more:
PS: Are you looking for a reliable carpet cleaning company to effectively remove coffee stains? If so, we’re the ones to call! We offer affordable and efficient services in Malaysia that can remove all sorts of stains and odors. Give us a call today and get a free quote on carpet cleaning services!
Blot the Carpet Stain
Coffee is a great drink to start the day. It’s everyone’s go-to beverage, especially during office hours. However, even a small spill can cause a big headache, especially on the white carpet!
Coffee stains are one of the toughest ones to remove from your carpets and upholstery because they have that brownish-yellow color. That being said, you shouldn’t wait until these spots turn into permanent marks before treating them.
Start by blotting out as much liquid as possible with paper towels or clean cloths so that the stain dries faster. Blotting is a good way to remove a fresh stain, but if the liquid has been there for a few hours or more, you should use dish soap. It will help break down the oils from the coffee and make it easier to remove them from your carpeting.
Use Baking Soda
Baking soda is among the best remedies to remove coffee stains. This household product is an effective cleaning agent that can help you remove old and new coffee spills from your carpeting or upholstery.
Here’s how to do it: sprinkle baking soda on the stain, then pour a small amount of water over it (you don’t need too much). After letting this sit for about 30 minutes, vacuum everything out with a brush attachment. You’ll be surprised by how well the baking soda works!
Baking soda contains strong compounds that can break down stains. You want to make sure the powder is moist before you apply it to your carpeting so that these properties are activated and do their job in breaking up the stain.
Use Alcohol
If you’re looking for ways to remove stains from carpets without using baking soda, then this solution should do the trick: use alcohol and ammonia combined with water.
Mix these ingredients in equal parts (about one cup each) until all three are dissolved together completely. Once the mixture turns into a clear liquid, pour it onto an old cotton cloth and blot at the affected area until no more residue comes off.
To make sure you’ve removed every last bit of stain left by coffee, brush over everything lightly with a soft-bristled broom after you’ve blotted the area dry.
Apply Liquid Dish Soap
You can also use liquid dish soap to remove coffee stains from your carpet. This is especially effective when you’re dealing with a fresh spill and want to prevent it from setting in for good.
Start by blotting the affected area thoroughly until no more water or coffee comes out of the fibers. Then, apply some liquid dish soap on top of it and let this sit for about 15 minutes before you wipe everything clean again.
Once dry, brush over the entire surface lightly with a broom so that any excess residue gets removed as well. You should see results right away!
Use Vinegar and Essential Oil
Vinegar and essential oil are a great combination to remove coffee stains from carpets. Here’s how to do it:
First, apply the vinegar directly into the affected area using a spray bottle. Give this about 30 minutes before you wash it clean with water and mild soap.
After letting the spot dry, pour some essential oil over it to help remove any lingering smells left by coffee and vinegar. For best results, use lemon or eucalyptus scents that are known for their powerful cleansing properties!
We hope that this article has been helpful and you now know how to get coffee stains out of your carpets. Carpets are a great way to add some stylish flair in rooms or even as an accent piece on outdoor patios, so it’s always safer to keep them clean than replace them. If you have any questions about the process, please contact us. We look forward to hearing from you!